Instrumental Bricks
MASDFAB, ETH Zurich, 2020
Students: Evgenia Angelaki, Yen Fen Chan, Ko Tsuruta
Tutors: Rémy Clémente, Ioanna Mitropoulou, Eleni Skevaki
Using implicit modeling with distance functions using Axolotl in Grasshopper
Why hanging ?
Hanging brick to change the height of ceiling for specific program of concert (ex. Opera, classic...)
Which create different reflection effect of sound.
Sometimes, it can change the ceiling even for one single artist.
Use implicit approach in every phase to change the scale with keeping fabricate friendly process.
Dynamically movable ceiling can change the hall into an music instrument.
Each brick has 3 layers (buffer, absorbing part and default surface) Each layer, made from the same material, has a different effect. By changing the height, the second layer of a brick will appear and create reflection effect.
The more the bricks move up and down, the more absorbing is the final effect.
Using a simple motor mechanism that is able to move the bricks up and down, one can imagine different possibilities of calculated acoustic configurations in space.
We can apply this method into any shape of ceilings and explore every shape and scale with implicit modeling, taking fabrication into account.