ETH Zurich - 2020
Tutors: Eleni Skevaki, Ioanna Mitropoulou, Dr. Petrus Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström
Description: Small coding exercise to get familiar with Python in Jupyter Notebook.
Title : "The getaway jellyfish"
Concept : The idea was to create an animated illustrational jellyfish that breathes, flies towards the top, dissapears and leaves a random mark on the water.
The jellyfish is composed by 3 coded parts : top part of the body, bottom part of the body and the lines. The top and bottom part are the same function with different parameters and change in a similar way. It is basically a nested function of radius-changing circles inside circle arrays. The bottom part is a mix of 2 definitions of line arrays. The first one is a horizontal random array of vertical lines, and the second one a horizontal random array of lines with random x.positions.
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""" ~The Jellyfish code ~ first Python exercise ~ """ ###LINES FAMILY### #straight vertical white line, with variation in transparency def draw_line_straight(x,y,length): linepointsx=[] linepointsy=[] linepointsy2=[] for j in range (5): linepointsx.append(0+x) linepointsy.append(length*j+y) linepointsy2.append(-1*(length*j+y)) plt.plot (linepointsx, linepointsy, color=(1,1,1), linewidth=0.3, alpha=r.random()) plt.plot (linepointsx, linepointsy, color=(1,1,1), linewidth=0.3, alpha=r.random()) ################################### #straight vertical white line, with horizontal "noise" - normal variation x coordinates - using randomness def draw_line(x,y,length): linepointsx=[] linepointsy=[] linepointsy2=[] for j in range (5): linepointsx.append(r.normalvariate(-400,400)) linepointsy.append(length*j+y) linepointsy2.append(-1*(length*j+y)) plt.plot (linepointsx, linepointsy, color=('#FFFFFF'), linewidth=0.3, alpha=r.uniform(0,0.4)) plt.plot (linepointsx, linepointsy2, color=('#FFFFFF'), linewidth=0.3, alpha=r.random()) ##CIRCLES FAMILY## #NORMAL CIRCLE DEFINITION# def draw_circle(radius,center_x,center_y, resolution, color_1, alpha_1): x,y=[],[] n=resolution c=color_1 a=alpha_1 for i in range (n): theta=math.radians(360)*(i/n) #remapfrom [0, n-1] to [0, radians(360)] x.append((math.cos(theta)*radius) + center_x) y.append((math.sin(theta)*radius) + center_y) #add first point in the end to close the line x.append(x[0]) y.append(y[0]) plt.plot(x,y,color=c, alpha=a) #Draw circles around circle with exponentially changin radius x[i], x[i] def draw_megacircle(xshift,yshift,n,radius): x=[] y=[] #n=90 #radius=70 for i in range(n): theta=math.radians(360)*(i/n) x.append((math.cos(theta)*radius)) y.append((math.sin(theta)*radius)) for i in range(n): draw_circle(radius=x[i],center_x=x[i]+xshift,center_y=y[i]+yshift,resolution=40, color_1=(0,0,i/n), alpha_1=0.8) def jellyfishgas(): """DRAWING THE WHITE LINES ON THE BOTTOM OF THE JELLYFISH""" k=1 if k==1: #CREATES STRAIGHT LINES WHEN TRUE - FIRST PART OF THE GIF for i in range (50): for j in range (15): draw_line_straight(600*r.random(),-700*r.random(),100*r.random()) draw_line_straight(-600*r.random(),-700*r.random(),100*r.random()) else: #CREATES RANDOM SPREAD LINES WHEN FALSE - SECOND PART OF THE GIF for i in range (20): for j in range (17): draw_line(200*r.random(),-700*r.random(),200*r.random()) draw_line(-200*r.random(),+700*r.random(),200*r.random()) @interact(et_x= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=10, step=1, value=1), et_y= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=10, step=1, value=1), eb_x= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=10, step=1, value=7), eb_y= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=10, step=1, value=1), flytop= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=1000, step=100, value=0), flybottom= widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=1000, step=100, value=0)) # #ELLEIPSE FACTOR FOR TOP PART# # et_x = ellipse top x # et_y # #ELLEIPSE FACTOR FOR BOTTOM PART# # eb_x = ellipse bottom x # eb_y # #POSITION Y OF TOP OF JELLYFISH # flytop = position in x # #POSITION Y OF BOTTOM OF JELLYFISH # flybottom = position in y def jellyfish (et_x, et_y, eb_x, eb_y, flytop, flybottom): #SETTING BACKGROUND fig1, ax=plt.subplots(1, figsize=(50,50)) ax=plt.axes (xlim=(-1000,1000), ylim=(-1000,1000)) ax.set_facecolor('#002fa7') # ####MAKING THE JELLYFISH###### #CREATING AN EXPONENTIALLY NUMBER CHANGING LIST TO USE FOR THE JELLYFISH ARRAY x=[] y=[] n=48 radius=100 jellyfishgas() for i in range(n): theta=math.radians(360)*(i/n) x.append((math.cos(theta)*radius)) y.append((math.sin(theta)*radius )) for i in range (n): #TOP PART OF JELLYFISH draw_megacircle(et_x *x[i], et_y* y[i]+100+ flytop ,90,80) #BOTTOM PART OF JELLYFISH draw_megacircle(eb_x *x[i],eb_y* y[i] +flybottom ,90,70)